12 funny Drupal modules


For those of you who usually read my blog, it's no news that I dabble with the content management system Drupal. This website is built on Drupal, as well as many of my other websites such as Alla Talar Svenska or the podcast platform Voffor Då Då. Drupal is more or less a Swiss Army knife when it comes to building different kinds of solutions, and behind it is an open-source community that ensures its development and maintenance.

7 security modules for Drupal that you cannot live without


Drupal is known for its robust security features, making it a popular choice for websites that handle sensitive information. Drupal's security architecture includes multiple layers of protection, including secure coding practices, access controls, and input validation. However, even with these built-in security features, it's always a good idea to take extra precautions when it comes to website security.

DrupalCamp Gothenburg 2012: 10 years later


11 years ago I attended my first DrupalCamp, and it was a lot of fun. With that visit in mind the question about organising a DrupalCamp in Gothenburg was raised during a Drupal meetup (in Gothenburg). I can't remember if I was the one raising the question, or if it was someone else, but I embraced it anyway. I have always loved organising these kind of events, and Drupal really showed me what a force the community can be.

Automatic image compression in Drupal


"A picture is worth more than a thousand words". True, but a large picture will make your webpage slower, which will affect your SEO in a negative way. And eat away at your servers space, megabyte after megabyte.

There are several ways to remedy such a behaviour, but one way is to use image compression services to save space. With online services or programs on your computer you can remove unnecessary information and compress images with sometimes up to 80% gain.

Drupal tricks: Removing the RSS icon in Drupal (and getting to know Views a little bit)


hether RSS has a future or not is debateable, but I often find myself removing the standard RSS icon in Drupal, sometimes for good or sometimes for just placing a nicer version of the classic icon somewhere else in my theme, linked to the RSS feed.

In Drupal, like with so many other things, there are several ways of removing the RSS icon in the theme. I'm going to show you the way that I have found to be the easiest and the way that also sticks when you're trying out, or switching to a new theme.

Adding language id to the body class in Drupal 8


When I started making sites with Drupal 8 I missed a special body class that I sometime need for theming as well as other times, and that's the language body class. When making multilingual sites this comes in handy sometimes. For Drupal 7 this was made possible by the Internationalization (i18n) module, but since that module has been moved into core in Drupal (source) that special body-class-adding-thingamajig seems to have vanished.

Screencasting again!


Ever since I started using Drupal I've wanted to share the knowledge I have gathered around Drupal. I did some screncasts a couple of years ago, in Swedish, and they were appreciated. Then, time disappeared, other projects ate my time. Since I teach the basics of Drupal at schools and more specialized educations for companies, I've never given up on the dream of continuing the screencasts in some way.

Kodamera on Drupal: Introduction and installation


Drupal is an awesome CMS (content management system), but it is so much more than just your ordinary blogposting system (though you can use Drupal for that as well). But the road to your own site (and perhaps internet success) must start somewhere, and if you want to set up a local environment on your computer to play around with Drupal (or any other PHP-driven system) you need a program or software to make this happen.

Kodamera on Drupal: Webform - A short introduction


I just love forms. A for Drupal we use the Webform module. It's wonderful!

From Kodamera's website: "The Webform module is a powerful ally when you need complex forms. In this video I talk briefly about when you can use Webform, what different components that ships with the module and also a little about the functionality the the module offers when is comes to sending emails and showing the information added to the webform."