Releasing DrupalCamp Gothenburg's website. Finally!
My blog has been suffering alongside my work with DrupalCamp Gothenburg. It's hard work since we're only two guys making it happen this year, and there's a lot done and more to do. It brings me great pleasure to say that we just passed a major mile-stone when releasing the website for DrupalCamp Gothenburg. It's a new take on camp-sites, at least what I can gather. This site wont disappear after a couple of years, when the community looses interest in it. This site will not only promote this year's camp, it will also act as a collection of the earlier sites, tying sessions together, acting like a "blast from the past" - one site to rule them all.
Why, you might ask? Well, time is limited and since it's hard to get volonteers in Gothenburg to help out, this is a way to tighten the information flow and a way to skip doing the same thing year after year (making, coding and releasing a new site). Instead, we will focus on presenting the information from former DrupalCamps in a good way on the site, perhaps making it more interesting for our sponsors since their sponsoring presence won't disappear after a couple of years.
This year, though, we have a new design, since it's a new take on the website all together, and Daniel Andréasson is the one pulling the strings behind the curtain. He has done a lot of work on it, and I'm truly grateful for his help. His effort has given me the chance to focus on the sponsoring part, talking to hotels to bring good rebates to our visitors during the camp-weekend, and also see if some of all the other ideas might come to life at the camp.
Well, enough talking, head over to the new site and check it out. And, if you're up for the task - add a session and share your Drupal knowledge!
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